Psychotherapy, a path of freedom
Depending on the experiences we have had or are still having, we sustain and/or develop a number of beliefs about our behaviour, our options, our means, our limits and those of our environment.
At times, these beliefs can cause inner suffering, weighing us down and preventing us from reaching our full potential.

This suffering can affect many areas: our relationship with others, trouble asserting oneself or finding one’s place, existential choices, loss of meaning, painful bereavements, as well as fresh or unprocessed emotional shock.
But suffering can also result from a specific situation, an unresolved disruption in one’s life: a divorce, grown-up children leaving home, changes at work, periods of stress, health issues, accidents, and many more.
Making the Implicit explicit
Psychotherapy is first and foremost a means of expression. It allows one to put words on what we implicitly experience as normality, and in which we can find ourselves trapped.
It is moment of self-care – for the person we are – and not in the role(s) we play in our daily lives.
It is a space of support, of discovery. A space that paves the way to increased self-understanding. A place to boost your self-confidence, to allow yourself to fully exist. A place to learn to appreciate yourself without judging; to have the courage to undergo a transformation by overcoming your fear of change. It is a space to build your inner freedom!
And what better way to do this than to be accompanied, encouraged – sometimes questioned and even challenged in a benevolent but uncompromising way – by a professional who is above all a person. One who is present, reliable, deeply committed to your journey without taking sides – nor taking him or herself too seriously…

Making the Implicit Explicit
Psychotherapy is first and foremost a means of expression. It allows one to put words on what we implicitly experience as normality, and in which we can find ourselves trapped.
It is moment of self-care – for the person we are – and not in the role(s) we play in our daily lives.
It is a space of support, of discovery. A space that paves the way to increased self-understanding. A place to boost your self-confidence, to allow yourself to fully exist. A place to learn to appreciate yourself without judging; to have the courage to undergo a transformation by overcoming your fear of change. It is a space to build your inner freedom!
And what better way to do this than to be accompanied, encouraged – sometimes questioned and even challenged in a benevolent but uncompromising way – by a professional who is above all a person. One who is present, reliable, deeply committed to your journey without taking sides – nor taking him or herself too seriously…